Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am sorry!!!

I am sorry that i cannot look into your eyes, For inside I am doubtfull and fearfull. 

I am sorry that i cannot let you hold my hand, For i am too shamefull. 

I am sorry that i cannot say "i love u", For i do not know what love is. 

I am sorry i cannot make a commitement, For i am too afraid to fail. 

I am sorry for pushing you away, For I am afraid to get close. 

I am sorry for saying "yes" to things i shouldnt have, For "no" has never been part of my life. 

I am sorry to say "I have let you go", For i cannot stay with you, because To see you suffer would cause me too much pain. And i dont wanna make you suffer, For you deserve much better. So, if i am out of your life, You dont' need to worry, For I'll be long gone, before You can say "come back", For it is better this way!

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