Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wait for me!

When the darkness falls into your life and you have nothing to hold on to; please wait for me, because I am waiting for you. 

When you feel so far away that it cant be expressed in miles please wait for me, because I am waiting for you. 

When she comes and sits right next to you, and looks into your eyes to say: "I love you", please dont' be tempted and wait for me, For i am waiting for you. 

When the sun goes down and you dont wanna pass the moment, Please remember, there will be another day, and wait for me, For I'll be waiting for you. 

When you hear a knock at your front door, please answer, For the waiting time is over, it has all payed off, i am here this day to see your faithfull face, look streight in to your eyes and say: "I've been waiting all my life for this moment to come" "For my love is even bigger now; for you survived the waiting struggle!"

Think of me!

When the waters get so high and you have time to ask why; just think of me, and I'll be there before you. To hold your hand, through all the rough waters. But when it comes to be so calm, I'm sorry but I will have to go, Until another day of fear comes along and you will only have to say my name and i will be there to help. But not for long, because my time is running out. And soon you will have to stand on your own two feet; for i will leave and put my faith into your success. You can only rely on me for so long and then you have to find a mind of your own. For I am your angel that answers your call. And when you dont' hear me; please dont' worry for I'll be there; just temperarily To pull your hand to get back up and then I'll leave to see you smile. No matter what, i will not be too far away just maybe a mile. But no matter what I do remember I will always be there for you. Mayebe not in person, but always in your thoughts and spirit. But please dont be discouraged, I am there even though you cant see me For any time you are in need, just think of me adn I will be there. For God has made special plans for you and me.

I am sorry!!!

I am sorry that i cannot look into your eyes, For inside I am doubtfull and fearfull. 

I am sorry that i cannot let you hold my hand, For i am too shamefull. 

I am sorry that i cannot say "i love u", For i do not know what love is. 

I am sorry i cannot make a commitement, For i am too afraid to fail. 

I am sorry for pushing you away, For I am afraid to get close. 

I am sorry for saying "yes" to things i shouldnt have, For "no" has never been part of my life. 

I am sorry to say "I have let you go", For i cannot stay with you, because To see you suffer would cause me too much pain. And i dont wanna make you suffer, For you deserve much better. So, if i am out of your life, You dont' need to worry, For I'll be long gone, before You can say "come back", For it is better this way!


With every creak of hallway doors,
I jump right out of bed.
To see if its at all possible that
It could just be you.
With every phone ring,
I race to hear somebody say:
“I am here, I am well”.
But you are still gone and it’s ok
Because with every sound I hear,
I think of you.
It’s disappointing to hear those useless
Creaks and rings, but I know that
Every time they happen,
I can feel your heartbeat.
That’s enough for me.
Everyday I stop to think of all
The times we spent together.
They make me smile and in my heart
I know that you are smiling at them with me.
Every night when I go to sleep,
I only dream of you.
Cuddled in your clothe,
I feel so comforted by you.
And every day when I wake up,
I miss you very much.
I long for closeness to you.
But you are not here, and it’s ok.
Because I can feel your heartbeat, and
That’s enough for me.
I know that not all dreams come true,
But I know that one-day when I’ll wake up
I will see you right next to me.
At that point,
There will be no more questions or dreams.
For all my dreams would have come true.
All this time I only longed for you,
To see you next to me and
Put my hand on your heart and say:
“I love you”.
All this will be enough for me.

By: Irina Rock-Gilbertson
Irinni Beninni


You know, there is no possible way of letting someone know how much you love him or her. It cannot be explained in words and can only hardly be shown through actions. Love is a feeling and it comes from inside of a person. Love is often berried deep inside a person: beneath all the hurt and silence. Once in a while it can be seen through the eyes: but eyes can be deceiving. Eyes are not always true, but they can say a lot: only if you look deep inside of them and search for the truth. It’s time taking but if you wait you’ll see, love is always inside. It doesn’t need to be seen by others: only by those to whom it belongs. Love cannot just be taken away; it cannot disappear. Although it can be forgotten or even unseen for some time, it will always exist. Someone can try to push it away but they cannot make it disappear. It can also be lost or even misunderstood. But it is felt the most when it’s at danger; when you feel like you may loose it. That’s the worst feeling there can possibly be. As many have said it: “You don’t know what you got until it’s gone”. It’s true you know; love is shown the most when a person feels like he/she may loose it. Love isn’t just a word or an action; it’s the person him/her self. Love is everlasting and will always be the same for you.

By: Irina Rock-Gilbertson
Irinni Beninni